Protect & Manage Your Credit!
BHFCU is offering another free service to assist members in managing their credit. Your credit score is more than just a number – it’s a way for lenders to determine whether you are eligible for a loan, the amount of the loan, your interest rate, and your payment. Members will have access to special offers based off of their credit score and credit history.
Savvy Money provides you access to your credit score along with personalized tips on how to improve or maintain an already great score. It’s simple and easy to use and already built into Online Banking and the BHFCU Mobile Banking App, so you won’t need a new login.
You will need to enroll in Savvy Money to be able to access your credit score rating, payment history, usage, and offers.

Why Savvy Money?
Check Your Score Daily
Many people worry that by checking their credit score too much they will see their score drop. Savvy Money allows you to check your score in what is known as a “soft inquiry,” which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use “hard inquiries” to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.
Monitor Unusual Activity
Savvy Money also monitors your credit report daily and informs you by email if there are any big changes detected such as: a new account being opened, change in address or employment, if a delinquency has been reported or an inquiry has been made. This helps you keep an eye out for identity theft and monitor the spending on your cards.
Get Alerts
If Unusual Activity is detected, Savvy Money will notify the user so that they can take the necessary measures to correct.
Credit Simulator
Credit score events help you visualize the relationship of your credit score with payment history, usage, or opening & closing of accounts. Use the credit score simulator to see the potential impact of opening new accounts or paying off balances. This interactive tool will simulate your credit scores before you actually take any actions.
Receive Special Offers
Based on your Savvy Money information, you may receive helpful articles and product offers from Baptist Health Federal Credit Union. Product offers will be based on your credit score and spending. In most cases, these offers may have lower interest rates than the products you already have. Our goal is to empower you with the information to make the most out of your money.
Credit & Savings Tips
You'll have access to helpful tips on how you can manage credit and debt wisely.